Is the punishment of my mother appropriate?


I have a younger sister (11) and she is friends with another girl (14) who is in her class because she had to repeat.

Since my sister is friends with her, she is only gambling on the fortnite, does not learn any more for school, sometimes skips school, insults everything and everyone (bad expressions) etc.

Today, a teacher asked me if I know where my sister was today, because she was missing in German. I said no and he said he had already called my mum and she thought she was calling her.

When I came home from school, my sister went to my mom and locked herself in her room.

I then asked my mom what was going on and she said that my sister had skipped with her boyfriend and they just went to a park.

Then my sister told me that my mom had taken away her pc and her cellphone & meant that my sister would not have to do anything with the girlfriend as she is a bad influence for her.

I also realized that since then, my sister has been friends with her, has changed strongly in a negative direction, but does not know whether the punishment is appropriate.

Is she adequate?
What can my mom or maybe me do?

(I do not know if it contributes anything but my mum is a single parent ^^)


In that case, I find the punishment appropriate. It can't be that an 11-year-old shouts at the mother and puts her head through.

Your mother has to vlt. Become more consistent in education.



The only thing you can do is to tell your sister that she has been dying lately and that you understand the reaction of your mum. And that she did not have to do so, she would pursue her duties as a student. But you have to learn that: to get everything under one roof: private and "job".
She may have friends, she may gamble PC, she may have a cell phone, she may go to the park - only just their academic performance and their behavior must not suffer, you have to make it clear!

If she hears that from you, even a teenage girl, then maybe she's thinking more about whether there's anything going on. Because she probably believes all parents / adults are aliens and have no idea about life.


Your sister is at the beginning of adolescence and, of course, finds it great that a fourteen-year-old gives herself up with her. And the older one thinks it's great that your sister adores her.

Your mother reacted completely right, cell phone and PC ban, in addition to house arrest. I would still contact the teachers that they would pass on truancy to your mother. Especially with regard to fake apologies letter u. ä.

You can't do anything there, at best make it clear to your sister that you are on your mother's side. Not that your sister is trying to play your mother and you against each other.

Your mother can only do it consistently. If that does not help, contact an educational counseling center.


And… Maybe you, as sisters, do more together? You are certainly a good deal for her. Start a common hobby or enroll in a club with peers (eg, gymnastics, dancing, horseback riding) so she can see that you can have fun with them