I have internet problems with the Nintendo Switch, better said with the paid Nintendo Online Servive, because I can play free games like FOrtnite, Dauntless, Warframe without any problems connecting with friends / players. Now comes the strange thing after buying Pokemon Shield I wanted to connect with other players in so-called Dyna Raids after the story, but I can never get into error code: 2618-0516. I can perfectly host Dyna Raids and players come in, but I can't join. The other Pokemon services like miracle exchange and link exchange are also perfect. I also have problems with Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Splaaton and several. So if you know the answer behind these tricky puzzles write me an answer.
Contact Nintendo Support.
The network thinks it is the NAT type:
As also linked here
Dear Mr. DonkeyShot, thank you now you have NAT Type A and before I had Type C everything is working fine now, your answer gave me the solution and I went to the website and changed the settings!