Improving quality in Fortnite, is there a way?


So, as far as I know, many will now write that it is because of my Wi-Fi or because my lap top is too old, I can tell you right away that this is not the case. My lap top is a fairly new one and I play Fortnite on the pc too and it works without any problems. It actually works one-way until another player comes near me, then it hangs like crazy and I have no chance of hitting my opponent. I wanted to ask if it could be because of the lap top, maybe that the quality on lap top is generally worse and if not because of what else? Or whether you can do something to improve the quality.

As I said, I'm here to ask a question and not to have to take a stupid stupid way just because I don't know something.


As I said, I'm here to ask a question and not to have to take a stupid stupid way just because I don't know something.

ok calm down.

Just because it is new doesn't automatically endure everything in games.

times have a link to the laptop or can say what components it has?

What settings do you play on? Low, high ultra etc?

Switch on the FPS counter in the settings and let us know how much fps you have


Play the next one with ping and fps

So that you can tell whether it is due to the Internet or PC


As I said. You should say what kind of PC you have


So i have one of acer, aspire 515 54g and all the graphics settings are on epic


Acer, aspire 515 54g


And how much ram, which CPU and what kind of graphics card do you have?

Bad sound in Fortnite? ah ahmedDominique