Can one play fortnite with this component?
In the description is missing the graphics card.
Is a 4 gb video card
From gtx 1050ti
There's no video card listed. So you will not get a picture. But if a reasonably reasonable model is installed, Fortnite runs.
What should the system cost?
It is a gtx 1050ti 4gb cost us 570 eurosvb
From Nvidia *
The system would be very poorly put together. Alone the power supply. You get new better PCs for the price. Otherwise I would buy him for 250 euro maximum.
The graphics card is okay.
For 450 euro you can buy the system. More in no case!
For less money if you build yourself… Give out 100 euro more, so 500 euro and buy a new one with a RX 570th That is 50% stronger than the 1050Ti.