Why is my graphics so bad in Fortnite?

- in Skins

I've been playing Fortnite for a while but I'm still having graphics issues. For example, most of the trees are not shown to me (if only then as a large green lump in the air), skins and small details are very blurry and again and again I have visual problems due to the trees. In some places I see where trees should just be green and that's not exactly helpful in a fight. I hope you could understand what problems I have in my game.


What are you playing on


ive just got my self as pc and playing fortnite started of very nive and i was enjoying it, couple weeks later its just changed, in game play the it takes ages for stuff to load for example trees, cars, anything that should be there just appear moments later why is this happening?


ive been having the problem on easter i think why is becaus of the lack of pepole working at the epic games hq