Fortnite reduced field of view after update?


Today the update v8.30 came out for Pc on 10.04.2019 and since then my field of vision has become much smaller.

For this I took a picture of a gameplay before the patch and one after the patch

before the patch:

Fortnite reduced field of view after update

after the patch:

Fortnite reduced field of view after update - 1

do not be surprised about the format, I play 4: 3.

Now to my question: only I have the problem or all with the patch v8.30 patch, because in the notes I have found nothing on the subject: / and if no, how can I Normaliesieren the settings again… Because so can I definitely do not play anymore!


Play in 16: 9


Does not bring me anything. Problem persists.


Then take a look at the options. Maybe there's somewhere a setting for the field of view or the camera distance to the character.


Have already tried everything… In vain ^^


Based on the pictures you can't name any difference. For this they would have to provide a similar landscape image from similar position to draw reference points. So you can't say if that is objective or purely subjective.

However, enforcing the 4: 3 format has always been an adverse FoV.


If you look at the character you can see that something has changed. Jz is no longer able to see his feet…

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