How many hours are Fortnite allowed?


Hello I'm 14 years old and my favorite game is Fortnite until 2 weeks ago I played about 4-sometimes even 5 hours and yes I admit that's a bit too much! Now my mother has the regulation 2 h a day and then the wlan is out I find it hugely little! 2 hours are like 20 minutes while gambling… And I asked her if I can play at least 4 hours during the holidays or on weekends. But she always refuses and I'm addicted! How do you find 2 h? Already little, right? And what do you say is normal? My grades are all still erratic except in math because I stand on ner 4-5 if it has something to do with the notes!


2 hours are enough. Especially at this time of the year. It is spring so you can spend a lot of time outside in the fresh air (;


😭naja the answer I probably show net my mother haha


You could say that Fortnite promotes your ability to concentrate. Fortnite will also improve your reflexes. Try these arguments.


Thank you 👌


I also do not know how I should live with Fortnite 2 hours a day. My condolences!