I'm not at all good in the rounds, not even in solo. When I land offensively, I keep dying and I get the win and I'm better than the opponents, but I still don't do a lot of kills all the time. I don't even need to talk about arena, because the opponents are just too good and I'm just going crazy. Could I really call myself a bad player who doesn't get anywhere?
So how that sounds I would classify you as bad, yes.
Yeah you see it just right.
Somehow I still die from enemies who are worse than me. I'm also bad in the rounds although I can build and edit very well and build and edit quickly and also have a good aim.
If you die because of players who are worse than you, are they better than you or am I wrong?
You can only get better if you keep playing
Sometimes you are bad for a while, but if it is always like that you are just not that good and you just have to practice a bit, but I think you can get better with a little practice in creative.