Is it bad to wear branded clothes as a 12 year old?


Moin Moin, I'm currently 12 years old and am just asking me, is it arrogant or kiddy to wear branded clothes at the age of 12. I see a lot of young people who say that if you wear a rich kid or fortnite kiddy with such an old brand is. My family is neither very rich nor poor and I don't play fortnite. Likewise, I'm not bragging about it. What do you think of that? Lg leon


Nope is not bad find it worse if you then wear fake things or brag about it, best wear fake things and then brag about it ✌🏼


I don't care if you wear branded clothes or not

I don't care if the T-shirt says Fortnite or anything else

Just like I don't care how old the person is who wears things

And I don't think anyone cares


So I - like most - don't care which brands or no-name clothes my fellow men wear. The only thing I can't get rid of are people who think that just because they wear a certain brand they are something better and have the right to condescend others.


That depends on what you mean by branded clothes.

But even if you are going to be wearing a Hollister polo shirt, just ignore the comments, it is quite simply your decision.

And by the way: branded clothes are usually much higher quality than, for example, C&A clothes. So it's worth buying something, as long as you don't pay 100 euro extra for the name only.


I don't think it's bad. Do what you like. I just find it really stupid when people think they are better because they can afford it.