What are you doing in Corona vacation now?


I do my chores the teachers send in the morning but now I don't know what to do. Gambling is also boring because my friends have no more PS + except one but they only want to play Fortnite (yes, I know that without PS +) and it is no fun without friends. I'm allowed out but my friends are not. I have 2 dogs, 3 cats and guinea pigs. I ride my bike with the dogs, go for a 4 hour walk with the dogs throughout the day but I'm still bored. Netflix and co. I can only watch in the evening because during the day I want to use my time more sensibly. I had already thought about starting a new hobby but the whole sports clubs have been shut down for a few days.

What could I do? I like to tinker, cook and bake. Do you have any ideas?

My mother is on parental leave and my father is even less at home because he works in the hospital. But we can't go away because my mother can't drive a car and doesn't want to either: /


So I:

Jogging now and then
Watch Netflix series
look catfish
Sort rooms
learn a little for school
Learn driving school
now finally have time for cooking and baking
groom me more with masks etc
Sort out the cabinet



Large plaster

Sort out things for the needy


Could you look at Linux / Ubuntu, how it works

Get a Raspberry Pi and start projects with it

Learn to program

YouTube vlogs start from isolation


What I'm doing right now:

- Learn and do assignments in the morning, skype with teachers or just us students, from 7:30 a.m. To 11 a.m.

- then go out with the dogs for two hours, I just came back xD

-Clean up my room a little bit and do a little something for the household because my mother is sick at the moment (move the dishwasher out and in and briefly vacuum)

- then go to my horse at about 2:30 p.m., do a bit of ground work today and show jumping is announced today.

- Afterwards go for a walk with dog (dogs, let's see) and horse, jogging a bit.

-approx. 6 p.m. Then back in the house and eat something first

-then read a good book, read a Star Wars novel right now

- In the evening let the horses in and take another hour of walking around

At 8:00 p.m. I feed the rabbits to my cousin again and let them into their indoor enclosure.

-Feed the dog and then watch the third season of Elité with dog and mom, we have looked at every joint so far, it has somehow become our series

A bit very detailed but you asked.

Cook something for your animals, my dog loves e.g. Frozen natural yogurt mixed with meat, you can give your cats tuna (only in its own juice, not with other oils) and whole sadines. Many cats are happy about a day-old chick, at least they love mine.


Everything is structured correctly.

Sounds great, thanks.


The same thing I did before, getting up in the morning, going to work, coming home at noon, cooking, eating, dealing with my husband, mother and animals, coming back to work in the evening, watching a recorded program and sleeping. Then the circle 🤗 closes