Is it Windows?


I recently got a pc. However, he has no Windows 10 just a trial version. Unfortunately my game "Fortnite" crashes. Could it be Windows?


There's no Windows trial version and if your Fortnite crashes please tell me your PC specifications


No Windows 10 just a trial version

A trial version of what? Windows 10? Then he has Windows 10.

Could it be Windows?

Probably not on the Windows itself.

But describe what the error is. Does the game just end? Or is there an error message? If yes, which?


No, it has nothing to do with it, but that your PC is not coping with Fortnite or something went wrong during installation. Reinstall and hope, otherwise it's up to your components. You can put the graphics down first and see if it works.


That's not true. Windows is usually preinstalled on PCs, but must be activated after 30 days. Before that, it's just the trial version. The full range of functions is only activated when activated.


It is not a trial version because you can also use Windows, just some features do not and you can leave Windows 20 deactivated forever, e.g. In a virtual machine because I have Windows 10 myself in one and also not activated for months and everything does not run super except a few features and that with Fortnite so the problem of the questioner I should first know what kind of graphics card you have, which mainboard, Which processor and which RAM


It is known that you can do something with Windows. But if you operate the VM correctly (time and date correct), Windows will also notice that the 30 days are over. To prevent this, you have to hack Windows. But it is illegal.


I have everything super, nothing hacked and Windows in the VM does not complain

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