Internet laggs in fortnite does not go away, is there a solution?


I have internet laggs in Fortnite since the last update. When I start a match, I have 10ms as usual. However, that only lasts for 30 seconds. After that I have a 150ms for 5 seconds. The whole thing is repeated again and again. I have uninstalled and installed fortnite. Nothing helped. I have already written to the support. I tried all the solutions they had. Unfortunately without success. (They really had a lot of solutions) I also restarted my router 6 times. Everything did not help. And oddly enough, I also play other games like csgo, ark etc. And I have no problems there. Only in Fortnite. Ironically, the game I have the most games and have already invested over 200 euro.


Hey ^^
So, whatever comes to my mind where it might be, of course, would be your network connection. Do you play over Wi-Fi? If so, try using a LAN cable Lg, 😇