Laggs while gaming? What can I do?

- in Hardware

Have in games like Fortnite Jerky, or still images from 200Fps to 40Fps. Or I had no problems for 2-3 hours. 144Hz freesync.

Is my SSD or mainboard too hot?

Ryzen 5 1600Af floor

Rx 480 Msi Gaming X 8GB

2666Mhz 2x8 Gb

500watt be quiet power 9 power supply.

SSD still has 28Gb free.

Laggs while gaming What can I do Laggs while gaming What can I do - 1

No chrome
Maybe look for intensive programs
Check graphics card for errors

Stay healthy


Do you need data when playing online? If so, do you access them wirelessly or with a cable?


Lan cable over the powerline.


May be that your settings are too high.
if you have 144 hz your fps to max 144 fps


That sounds good, you can still measure it.

Motherboards and SSD don't get hot. Only the CPU. At most, the 28 GB of free memory is not enough. How did you measure it? Sometimes swap files are huge. Although so big.

Is there anything else running on the computer that "fills" it? Vidoes, other software?

With the Task Manager you can check what is working on the computer and how.


So, your graphics card sometimes overheats, that's normal, just pour a little water over it and everything is fine again!


Funny. 60C is standard.


Cpu sometimes gets 63C hot, but that shouldn't be the problem either? Or as far as I don't know, I have to test it.


Maybe msi afterburner is to blame, I uninstalled it.


Take a look at autostart (tab in Task Manager) to see if services and programs are started that you have never asked for.


Are low settings. If everything runs smoothly for 2-3 hours, why should it be because of 200Fps?


Joa chrome etc.


Well, first of all I would open the Task Manager with CTRL + SHIFT + ESC.
Then go to the Performance tab. Try to check if the RAM or CPU usage is not at 100% while you are running the game. If this is the case, try to look under the Processes tab for programs that overload the computer's resources. You can also sort the resources by clicking on the CPU field, for example. Then it sorts ascending from lowest to highest, or descending from highest to lowest.

Since you have AMD components, do you hopefully have the Radeon ™ Adrenalin 2020 Edition software for the Radeon RX480? If not, try to install the software. This also installs the current graphics driver.

If you have already installed the software, try selecting the game Fortnite in the software under the gaming tab. Then go to Reset, the Radeon software searches for the optimal settings.

In some cases, the software may not recognize and set the best quality-performance settings. Try to see if you can get a performance boost using the features offered.

If none of this works, I would try using Microsoft or third-party repair tools to check the system for corruption. Computer viruses, adware, spyware or anything else can also be one of the reasons why performance drops so easily. In this case, do a quick search with Windows Defender and then start a thorough search.

If Windows Defender finds threats but can't remove and clean them, you should try cleaning the hard drive and Windows will reinstall drivers completely.


I will try.


Exactly, throw that stuff out. All the updaters too.

You can also see in the task planning whether there are heavy-duty fellow travelers hanging on the leg. Deletion is only possible if you start the task planning as admin.

Fortnite lagging? - 3 Se SenseAdam