Hard drive Case Sensitive, what does it mean and can I change it?


I want to install a game and after the installation process it shows me that I can't access it because my external hard drive is "Case Sensitive", what can I do to be able to install the game on the hard drive anyway?

I have a 2015 Mac with macOS Big Sur if that matters and it's about the game Fortnite.


Actually, the MacOS file system should also be case-insensitive, I can't imagine that a manufacturer would consciously decide against it.

But I trust Apple to do everything. Since I don't use one myself, I can't help directly, but I found this.



Unfortunately, I usually have nothing to do with the torture and can't do much with the link. : /


As I said, I'm unfortunately not very familiar with Apple either.

Case-sensitive means that your operating system allows several identically named files, which only differ in that they contain capital letters in different places.

That is actually rather unusual…

Basically, the link advises you to "clone" the drive and then format it in a case-insensitive manner.

If you don't have any important data on it, "cloning" can probably be omitted.

Unfortunately, I can't tell you how to make sure that you are not formatting the wrong drive or similar botch. An Apple user would be a better advisor. So I'm going to ask your question again.


For you, Case Sensitive means that the file system on the hard drive is designed in such a way that it differentiates between large and small letters. In the simplest case, the disk is empty anyway and you can reformat it and choose a file system that does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.

If there's something on the disk that you can't move to another memory, there's always the option of using a partitioning tool and setting up an additional partition on the disk that is formatted in a file system that does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters.