Fortnite stuttering?

- in Battle Royale

I have a minor to moderate problem…

I have 16gb RAM, a B550 Msi Gaming Plus motherboard, a Ryzen 5 3500x and a Power Color Rx 5700xt Red dragon.

I play Battlefront 2 on high settings without any stuttering.

But with Fortnite I often get to 20 FPS when I move miv fast, I have already set it to 1080 p, put in 12 directly and generally turned the graphics down, but everything didn't work…

Please can someone help me no, very sad about that…


Maybe you can go into performance mode and set it to 60 fps


Is the graphics card so bad that I have to use it?


Joar that's probably Fortnite.

But you could try the performance mode. Looks ugly then.


I use it myself and pros use it alone, although they probably have better graphics cards than you


Maybe turn on the V-sync mode then you only have 60fps but then the graphics card and processor and ram are better together.


He has the hz number of his monitor in fps or if he has a 144hz monitor, he has 144 FPS.


Ne think not. Have the 5700 challenger and it works fine