Games crash and performance fluctuates. What can I do?

- in Battle Royale

I have the following problem: My really good gaming PC has always the problem that games like Overwatch, Fortnite, Battlefield V… Just crash without warning… And although I have a good number of fps… And sometimes the image AND SOUND just hang although only programs such as google chrome and word are open… Mostly it is always the same in the games… I start a round… And about 5-20 min later the game jerks once and then it simply crashes… I need help… I mean PC only for about 1 year have…


Nvidia GTX 1060 6gb

16 GB of RAM

Intel cor i7-8700K 3.7GHz

750W power supply

a very good ventilation system (so it should not be at the temperature)


Which power supply? Can also be a Chinakracher…

I would go after the exclusion procedure. Install MSI Afterburner and control workloads and temperatures.

The actual reason could lie also with defective RAM sticks (with Memtestx86 examine), faulty hard disk (examination in Windows) but also for example at the power supply.

Which CPU cooler do you use?


So it is not a chinakracher… That's fix… I think it's even a corsair power supply… Hard disks, I'll check it out tomorrow… Ram should not be broken because I have renewed it only 2 months ago, abr I'll check synonymous… I have a corsair water cooling (Corsair Hydro H100i V2 RGB water cooling) … And I also installed MSI Afterburner… But at MSI Afterburner I do not really know my stuff…


All you have to do is open Afterburner and the Riva Tuner installed with it, then you'll see everything in the game. Are there synonymous some videos about it.

Corsair makes 90% only bad power supplies. Maybe not a Chinook but definitely not good.

Would anyway check the RAM in any case, if necessary, use the old RAM to see if it may cause the new RAM.