I play Fortnite (you can save yourself stupid comments about the game here) at a high level on the PC, and win cash prizes from time to time. One thing that has annoyed / surprised me for a long time is that my ping always moves in a kind of waveform. It always oscillates between 10 and 20, with the period always being around 15 seconds. What could that be? I also use a LAN cable to make the connection more stable.
Make a few trace routes to the Fortnite server. Then you can see where the variance arises.
The command on Windows is tracert Ip.
Even with a LAN cable the ping will commute, you can't change that. A LAN cable makes the connection more stable, but the ping will not always stay the same. Fortnite always updates the display after a few seconds, which is why it takes a while until the new ping is displayed.
The LAN cable with him will probably not even make up 1ms of the ping. What instability are you writing about?
I'm afraid that this is due to the routing and you can't do anything about it.
But the ping is not bad.
The ping may seem good for other games, but a low ping is incredibly important for high-level fortnite. It's a shame that you can't do anything, but it's okay
Well, the bigger tournaments are offline anyway.
Doesn't fortnite have proper lag compensation? Have all the other competitive games.
What instability?
"A LAN cable makes the connection more stable, but the ping will not always stay the same."
I don't see your problem. WLAN is more susceptible to interference than LAN. The ping is also true, so please explain your problem to me.
The big tournaments were only offline earlier, now all are online, partly due to corona. I don't know to what extent the game compensates for lags, but in stacked lobbies in which everyone is playing to win the game is sometimes unplayable because the servers are very bad and you have huge input delays.