RTX 2070 is getting hot?

- in Hardware

I have https://www.mindfactory.de/...81991.html from KFA2 for about 3 months. I have never really played games with high demands during this period and have always run the fans of the graphics card in "auto" mode so that they only started at 60 degrees, which I have almost never achieved with my games.

Then I started today Fortnite and run it in the background in the main menu. When I came back after 10 minutes, the card was according to HWMonitor already at 80 degrees, which was also noticeable on the glass window of the case. Then I turned off the auto mode and set the fans by software to 50% each, which led to a temperature between 72-75 degrees.

Are these temperatures normal? The game runs on 1920x1080 & epic settings.


Between 70 and 80 is normal for air-cooled GPU's… But the temperatures should not rise much higher because less is better, of course:-)

otherwise you should optimize your airflow in the case:-)


So the highest was now 86 degrees at 100% load, according to Task Manager and I've been playing Fortnite before and there it was never more than 60 degrees and in the system nothing has changed since then.

And if the car has a mode that means for me that the fan itself regulates depending on the temperature but that does not seem to get it, so that surprised me a little.


Fake graphics card received? (Check with GPU Z)
Is the temperature gauge trustworthy?
Latest drivers installed?
Fan so far Dust-free and clean?
As the previous speaker said, check Airflow.

Just ask again, none of these points should work.


The target temperature of the graphics chip as a function of the fan control depends on which fan and temperature curve the respective card manufacturer has stored in the card BIOS.

Some manufacturers quilt the fan curve roughly coarse with limit temperatures beyond about 80 degrees under load in order to keep the card as quiet as possible relatively quiet for as long as possible.

But some manufacturers have simply worked carelessly in the configuration of the optimal fan curve. If you do not like the fan curve at this time, try to create your own fan profile using a tool like Fanspeed (or similar).


Try to optimize your case fans that no heat buildup occurs

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