FPS burglaries despite GTX 1070?

- in Hardware

I switched from a rx460 to a gtx 1070 last week and have had problems since then. Remaining components are an i5 7600k, 8Gb RAM, 1TB HDD. In Fortnite, I have an average of 140 FPS on the lowest settings but always jerks or reloads and then during some short 5 FPS. The average FPS should also be higher with a 1070 as mates with worse GPU have better FPS. Could that be due to the HDD or RAM? The HDD utilization is sometimes very high. I'm also surprised that my processor runs at full load and my graka only 40% Thank you for your reply


Did you rebuild your system?


Well if the CPU is running at full load, the GPU can't do more.

The question is now - and you have to find out - if the CPU is running at full load because of the game - in that case you need a CPU for more frames. Or if anything else is responsible for the CPU is fully utilized - was probably because the drops would otherwise be rather strange.

Since the drops are new, it could also be that you have not properly removed the AMD drivers of your rx460 - and now driver problems come about - in which case I would recommend you with DDU (display driver uninstaller) the AMD and the Nvidia drivers again completely remove and then the new Nvidia drivers aufzufpielen - thus you exclude the problem schonmal from.


Have only a 3.2k line with which the new touch up always hurts because everything takes endlessly long


So the CPU could be the problem. Look in the task manager, if really only the game loads the CPU, or you have an anti-virus program that sometimes behave like viruses!