CPU overloaded and still images or sound lagging in Fortnite open lobbys, what can I do?

- in Hardware

Thanks in advance for the answers.

I have a problem, have a gaming pc (m80cj-oculus-de001t) and when I play Fortnite, my CPU is always overloaded (when I play duo or squad, sometimes solo) and then I always have small still images and my sound lag And now I don't know what to do Can someone help me Maybe someone can tell me which connection is the HDMI graphics card connection and which is the normal one…


First of all: which hardware did you use exactly?

CPU overloaded and still images or sound lagging in Fortnite open lobbys, what can I do

DP (Display Port) and HDMI are currently the main standards. There's, however, a newer connector such as the Thunderbold 3 connector, but this is probably unimportant in this case.


Do you already realize that you have installed a mobile old CPU in your PC (i5-7300hq)?

The CPU is at the limit with the Gtx1060, even if that is only the trimmed 3GB variant


I don't know anything about this, is it bad that I have installed a mobile CPU? And what do you mean by the cpu is at the limit with the GTx1060?


That the CPU is very weak. And yes, it is therefore not good to have a mobile CPU, it is also not convertible.

You should reduce the settings and possibly play to 900p.

Just give it a try.

At the limit, means… The CPU can't supply the graphics card with sufficient data. This leads to a bottleneck… The graphics card is always waiting for data from the CPU.


Oh okay, and that means there's nothing I can do about it?



You should reduce the settings and possibly play to 900p.

At least try that

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