Help my I7 9700k CPU is working at 100 percent when I play Fortnite?

- in Hardware

Specs: I7 9700k processor

Gtx 1060 6gb

When I play fortnite on low settings, regardless of creative or public, my FPS number is very low. In the past, I always had between 165 - 240 fps. In the task manager, despite all the autostart app deactivation, I can see that the game is at full capacity. I can't even play properly.


Does the full capacity only come from Fortnite?

And just mentioned by the way: I don't know whether your monitor has 60, 120, 144 or 240Hz, but otherwise screw your FPS down to your Hz number, otherwise this is unnecessary CPU utilization that your monitor does not display at all.


Yoo thanks for the answer but yes my monitor has 144 hz also limited in the game but it is because of the dust what is in there I think at least


OK, then just cap to 144 fps and otherwise clean your PC accordingly (there are numerous videos on YouTube), if nothing has changed then you can continue to watch.


Yes, I cleaned the whole PC (CPU) but unfortunately it's still the same as before: /