I have a really good pc with a GTX 1060 6GB graphics card. Sometimes Fortnite works for me with 100 fps on epic settings. Most of the time, though, I can't play middle settings but have to play at low settings to get 60 fps. Why is that so?
Maybe you run in the background processes that you "take away" the graphics memory. Or you just have a bad internet connection.
The best graphics card will not bring you a bad CPU. Which one do you have?
A 1060 is a decent card for FullHD but not really the ultimate.
Incidentally, you can only give tips if you call your Hhomework (at least the CPU, RAM would not be wrong), the resolution in which you zockst and the map.
8gb ram
Cpu Intel Core i5 s1151
8gb ram Intel Core i5
Which I5? 1151 is the socket
Do not have a bad internet what do you mean with background processes?
Intel core i5 s1151 tray 8500 6x3 OW
Open the task manager and see what's going on there in the background.
57 background processes what should i do now?
See if you need them, if not just finish.