I have finally configured a PC with the help of experienced people. Maybe experts could tell me if it is good?

- in Hardware

I have a PC configured and would like the opinion of experts. I can only go up to 1,750 euro if there's room for improvement. Windows is not preinstalled because I will do it myself. Could you tell me how much FPS I can play with at medium to high settings? I play Warzone Fifa Gta5 Fortnite.


Code: 614925

I thank you.


🙈 you could perhaps write what you have put together for a configuration and what you play so. Because then I can give you suggestions for improvement and how much FPS you can get in each game


You can see the configuration by entering the code there


Apart from the fact that I would not save on the mainboard (would rather take the more powerful chipset) I would have little to complain about.
I personally would rather use the Crucial P1 for the SSD, they advertise with less write / read rates, but they have never broken for me / have never caused problems. The Kingston, on the other hand, went to me several times after just a few months. Incidentally, my tests also showed that the real Kingston write rate did not even reach that of the Crucial, especially with larger or many files.

I think the 1TB HDD is superfluous.

On the subject of performance… So I think that's enough to easily put your monitor to the test in the games, even my GTX1080ti with a Ryzen 7 2700X and the same RAM can easily do this with WQHD and 165 frames minimum to use the monitor fully.

My recommendation would be:
MSI B450 → X470, M.2 SSD Kingston → Crucial P1, 1TB HDD superfluous.


I have the 1TB HDD as a data grave. Should I then also take 500GB HDD as data grave?


And should I take the Crucial P1 500GB SSD because then I have a total of 1.5TB SSD and 500GB HDD


Well, I'm just wondering what exactly you want to bury there if you already have a 1TB SSD, you have a lot of pictures or you want to inflate your Steam Library a bit as big as I do with my 4 TB. Normal people normally don't get 1.5 TB full so quickly: DDD


As I said, you will not use the HDD 90% because everything should have space on the SSDs anyway and well, the argument that SSDs are too expensive to use as data storage is also outdated. Storing data on SSDs does not harm them either, because no read / write cycles are triggered if the files are only there.


Ok thanks dr


Please please. N Short-time computer scientists are bored.


Yes're right


So now that I have it ready, you can take a quick look at it and say whether it is so good and how much FPS I can play in the above games.


Code: 614925


Looks good, there's still the HDD in there, but it doesn't bother. Would also be just under 40 euro less.
Yes, as I said, the 2070 is already comparable to the 1080ti, if you think about increasing the memory clock on the MSI boards to DDR4-3200, the games will render like anything else.
I can't tell you exactly what comes out, it also depends on the resolution of the monitor, how many monitors you connect. You should definitely note that no matter how high the frame rate in the game brings you nothing as long as you play on a FullHD 60 heart monitor, you only see the 60 and no more. But as I said, I always manage the 165 FPS / heart in the games, with WQHD resolution, so much higher than FullHD. At 4K it is rather tight, but also with the largest graphics cards, you can actually make up for more than 60FPS at the moment.


There's no HDD in there, I took it out because it is unnecessary and I did not fully understand that with the memory clock and with the rendering


Sorry, IT language.
With rendering I mean only that the graphics card packs loosely, with Full HD it almost certainly sleeps.
Okay, the config that you sent was still with me, but it doesn't matter. If she's gone with you it's okay.
The one with the memory clock will then set up your IT staff correctly, but pointing out does not hurt because this is often forgotten is a motherboard setting in the BIOS.


Excuse me but I'm really a bit stupid😅😅 what do you mean by setting in the bios and what to point out😅💪 the PC arrives. And I'm using a 144hz monitor WQHD how much FPS could I hope for?


Yes that's right. But even IT experts often forget that, you can enter the BIOS on every PC and adjust the memory clock there. But that's when what if the PC is there. Otherwise you give away massive RAM performance (and Dubaro assembles the thing, but I would not say now that they are 100% knowledgeable). Did you then who installed Windows and hurry up because that wasn't part of your configuration.


Well, you should have made the 144 hearts, at GTA I even managed them on 4K. So you should go wonderful. Just have to make sure that the graphics card really outputs 144 Hz.


Install that and can you then use the PC directly? I haven't seen it


As you currently have, you get it empty and have to completely equip it with Windows and install it with drivers, etc.
Unfortunately, I can't tell you how Dubaro does it with the installations, maybe just ask the support what they are installing.
Is still a very nice cost factor… If you install yourself you could e.g. Also take a cheap Windows license from MMOGA, then you would save a lot of money, or you look for who will install it for you.


OK thanks