How much Hertz monitor should I have for my pc with the highest Fortnite settings 160 FPS?

- in Hardware

I have a question that is I recently bought a pc but no monitor yet the pc can make the highest settings 160 FPS at fortnite now the question which monitor with how much Hertz would be worthwhile


144hz and then this curl and turn on v sync


In any case, you don't need one with over 160 Hertz

Anything above would not be worth it


144hz is enough unless you upgrade your PC, then 240hz


With v sync there are minimal delays




How now? Ale I can play great with v sync


I have been building my own PCs since 2005 and have been playing since then. My experience has shown me that I have performance drops and delays (benchmark) with V-Sync


Woe and without tearin up to vomiting bf1 would be practically unplayable for me without vsync because there's such extreme tearing


Depends on the computer, I have an x570 mainboard R7 3700x 4.4GHz GTX 1080ti and manage to keep my computer constant at a maximum of 56 ° C with a GPU load of 90-98%, do you have 2 monitors? Would recommend you to play a game that eats a lot and run a system monitoring e.g. (MSI Afterburner) at the same time. Play BF1 without V-Sync with no problem.


No the problem is that without such extreme tearing like vsync that you think you are in the disco and your eyes would burn right away

ne Come in TS Can we talk then and you explain it in detail.