144 FPS at 60 Hertz, does that make sense?

- in Hardware

I bought a gaming PC that runs easily at 144 FPS in games like Fortnite. If I now set 144 FPS in Fortnite, I notice a very big difference to 60 FPS, even though I only have 60 Hertz. Am I just stupid or why does it seem so much smoother?


The 60 Hz only shows a maximum of 60 fps is nonsense, of course, more than 60fps at 60hz look better than just 60 fps. But still 144hz are always more fluid than 60hz


Thank you


If the monitor has 60hz it can only show 60fps


It actually makes a difference even if you only have 60Hz in the factor selection of the images.

But that's not a big difference.