At Fortnite, I'm mediocre, I play Pc, how could I get into the professional scene, and how do I know that I have potential for a professional?


At Fortnite I'm mediocre good, I play Pc, how could I get into the professional scene, and how do I know that I have potential for a professional?!


With a lot of practice in creative mode.
Look at Faze Sway, after such a long time he only reached his top form 3 months ago (although he has always been top).
Sometimes it helps to look at professionals, because you come up with new ideas - you sometimes adopt the style of play and approaches.


Make streams and videos so you get reach and maybe someone recognizes your potential and wants to get you under contract.


Ok, a quick question. Why do I always have pixel images on Twitch Livestream? Is it because of my internet?!


I have an Internet download of 98mb / s and that is sometimes the case with me, the stream seems to be stuttering in Full HD but to be normal: /

Opinion on the pc? Sh Shrimp55