Epic games launcher - Problems with the internet connection, what to do?


I had some time ago Epic Games launcher (+ Fortnite) installed and everything worked fine. At some point, however, when I opened Epic Games launcher I got an error message saying that I was not connected to the internet although everything was ok with my internet connection. I've already uninstalled the launcher several times and reinstalled, but still the Ferhlermeldung comes.

What can I do to stop this from happening?


Are you going in via WLAN? There may be disturbances in your environment, e.g. Through other wireless networks. → Try the LAN cable

Surfing and downloads work without problems? Download a large file and see if this works fine. → if this works, it's up to Epic / Servers.

Times logged in on the router web interface and watched if there are problems with the Internet connection? With a Fritz box you look under → Events → Internet connection. If it comes to frequent disconnections here you have to call your Internet provider. Because then your line is unstable.