I haven't played Fortnite (proudly) for 2 years. Now 2 colleagues have started again. Do you think Fortnite is a bad and / or children's game?
The game has some pay to win approaches, and steals a lot of skins etc. From other games
What do you mean by "kindergame"? Fortnite is released from the age of 12, although 60% of all players are under 14, which does not mean that Fortnite is bad or for children. For example, the super mario games are played a lot by both young children and adults.
To 100%
They are good too. Fortnite is almost exclusively played by children.
That is not completly correct. Pay2win means that by purchasing ingame items you get an unfair advantage over other players, which is not the case.
It's about general behavior in the community. At Mario, children are nice and you like to play with them as an older person. But if a snot cheeky 12-year-old comes to Fortnite, that's pretty inappropriate
Yes, that's right, the fortnite community is already hard anti-social
So first of all it is only released from 12. But as in other games like GTA, you can't prevent people under the USK from playing these games. Fortnite is not a children's game, maybe it just sounds like that. In my opinion, the community is really sucked out. 8 year olds cry because they lose all the time, that's why it is only released from the age of 12. I still play it myself, but I might also want to stop playing it because you won't benefit from it anyway. You can see it either way
Irony or serious? 👌
I find the potential for addiction to be quite high. At least that's how I thought it was
Take a look at all the 13 year old youtubers and then ask yourself again.
For many, this is actually true, also because it is their first experience of gaming.
I agree. I sit in front of the PC 3 to 5 hours a day. This game really doesn't bring anything because this potential for addiction currently causes a lot of children to drown completely in the 3rd grade when it comes to grades. Fortnite really doesn't bring anything is just a waste of time. It would make sense to play this for cash prizes, but otherwise this game doesn't make any sense from my point of view
For me it was the 2nd grade 7th grade Gym went down so that it was really close. Meanwhile a solid 2.1 cut
Let's take the example: Fall Guys. I've been playing a lot lately. Always play with nice people. Only costs 20 euro once. And I don't think about it all the time like Fortnite used to be
Seventh grade? Oof
I'm sorry 😑
Fall Guys is fun too xD
As you can see, some skins offer advantages in the field
Wow these skins won't win you a flower pot
Isn't that bad, is it? Nobody forces you to play with them. And then when you get a kill, you know you've got an annoying kiddy.