Sony Vegas sound delay?


HI guys so I cut a video where I do something in Fortnite, and the thing is that in the beginning everything goes well I shoot for example and there's no sound delay only after 8 minutes there's 1 second sound delay, but why? Is the problem solved if I let the video render?


With the key "U" you can separate the video from the soundtrack.

Namely, after a certain time, you make a cut with "S" and overlap both tracks again so that it fits.

Or, as I said with "U" separate tracks, and then hold ctrl and drag the soundtrack to the length of the video track, as long as they should not be the same length. But not sure if that works so well.


And what about my theory?


I somehow do not understand net what you mean maybe you have discord or something


With the rendered video, the problem will unfortunately be synonymous. Delays can happen when shooting through stuttering or the like…


What special do you not understand? With soundtrack disconnect, etc. Do you know what I mean?


I know all that, I know how man ne audio track separates xD That's not even the problem?


If we can talk better, I find it much easier


Sry for the late reply:
Yes, I understand your problem, your problem is that your video after eight minutes, the sound is no longer in line with your video, offset by 1 second, right? That is probably when recording so happened, that happens and there's nothing more to change it, except stop when editing in Sony Vegas.
Can you even try to render it so to see if the problem is synonymous in the finished video.
I know the problem, and my suggestion is, as I said, that from where the sound is out of sync with the video, make a CUT and then the soundtrack so back and forth that it fits back together with the video.
Or did I get something wrong? I do not use discord, if then TS. But I have here eig. Already written everything that I can contribute… ^^


So first thanks for the message, so the thing is that I've already tried to pull over but somehow did not work and it has also drawn in with other sounds, ts would be very nice then I could describe the problem to you in more detail and you could me maybe help more exactly because I really want to upload my videos


Alright, maybe you can set that up tomorrow.


Yes ok Thank you maybe you have time now


Bitet is urgent


If then always only about 17: 15, because of work.

Sry today was bad at times.

To be careful otherwise schonmal "ask again ask", vllt can otherwise help one until then schonmal.

Bad sound in Fortnite? ah ahmedDominique