Friends secretly play Gta5. What do you think?


Some of my friends who play not only Fortnite play secretly or sometimes secretly Gta5 … One may play the game if he does not shoot… But yes, that does not stop him of course😂The other one plays it simply without his parents even know the game

Would you like the game if you are not allowed to play it but you also gamble secretly?


Probably. However, it depends on how your friends distinguish play and reality.

If she talks like that to people in gta and pretending to behave like that, she wants to find it cool, will I put it up because parents…


Of course I would play it, I have too. My parents always forbade me various things when I was little then.

At the time, for example, he could play San Andreas etc. Never play because of the violence. In the meantime, my parents think that it was totally nonsense and unnecessary. My sister is eg 11 and has already played GTA 5 with 8, because it makes practically no difference.

I would play it in your place. But problem is, I do not know your parents and their sentences.


You can't have more luck


If you are mentally capable the parents should even allow it. I'm 17 years old and played the first GTA already 7 years ago. Several very violent games too. Depends on how much the parents know how their child processes it.


I identify myself with fortnite and then found the news in the news laugh. Humanity finds the game brutal for 0 years USK 😂


Yes, that's just stupid because you have to shoot your competitors.

Everyone is in the pants