Parents ask if they can buy CoD for me. Tips?


I'm 13 and have already played various CoD's to friends. And I know that it is not suitable for some young people. But I never really got disgusted in any way, or how you want to describe it, when I saw "not so nice" scenes.

My father said that when I'm 15, it doesn't matter what I play. But that still takes.

But I play Fortnite, and this game is getting on my nerves. (Not Fn Kiddie) I play for fun, but there are always sweats around. And I know that Fortnite, on the other hand, CoD is something completely different.

My problem is that I will most likely say no!


Mother: "You're not 18."

Father: "Wait a little."

I need tips!

And not clerks with "you're only 13! It's not for you!"

I say that some are ready for it and others are not


You show yourself that you are totally immature. Sorry, even if you don't want to read it.

Your parents are the only ones allowed to allow you to play. Your friends are normally liable to prosecution if they let you gamble without your permission.

So much for your maturity.

You have already recognized that Fortnite and CoD are something different. But it doesn't matter. There are no arguments when your parents see it the way they are doing it right now.

Be glad that you are allowed to gamble at all. And it's not like there are only the two games on the market.

Get a little older and maybe you'll be more mature for your age.

Parents persuade? Ga Gatlinnathalia