I love a girl, I know her from the game fortnite, saw her insta and fell in love right away what should I do?


So I got to know her through a friend and have known her for a long time. I asked her if she has insta because i follow every friend of mine on insta and she said yes. Then I saw the pictures on your insta and fell in love straight away.


You won't get more than a no. Write to her, she might think you're great too. If you don't try it, you may end up regretting it.


In any case, take it slowly and don't rush it. Maybe you just "fell in love", now you have to find out for yourself.

As it seems to me at the moment, you don't know her character and you fell in love through the photos. So I tend to "fall in love".

Play with her often, try to bond with her first. Get to know her, have fun and find out who she actually is. And so you can raise your personal level bit by bit.

Time is the most important.


Boxfights in, one pumps distribute then shoot out toxic emotes.