Does she love me or am I imagining it, why is she playing with me?


During the v! Rus time is pretty boring. I played fortnite a bit. Then I saw that a girl from my class once played with a friend.

(I didn't have much contact with her otherwise and we talked at school sometimes but nothing special.)

He said she just downloaded it. Then I added them and we played a little bit. Not much. We then played more and more often. We laughed a lot, she laughed at all of my stupidest jokes πŸ˜‚ and we got to know each other better.

(yes it sounds handicapped by fortnite blah but that's the way it is)

She also asked every day if I wanted to play fortnite with her. When I said no (because it was late) she kept asking because she wanted to play with me or something, I just don't know why she plays with me. We often win (34 in 10 days) but she says she doesn't care about her victories?

So there has to be a reason that she plays with me of all people and not with others from the class, or do I imagine that?

She's always nice to me but I think she's like that to everyone?

We sometimes blaspheme about people from the class haha.

We sometimes don't chat that often because we play fortnite all day and talk haha. But she also says she doesn't want a friend. Then what does she want from me? I don't check anything anymore

Now she also said good night sleep and something. In the morning she also wrote good morning to me.

When I send her snaps, she only looks at them in the evening.

Sorry I asked this question again but changed it


"we sometimes blaspheme about people from the class"

becomes a really big love story, who says that she doesn't blaspheme with others?


Um? Wait, you just think because she plays trashnite with you, does she have a crush on you?


Imagine as a boy and girl you can develop a normal, extremely good friendship.


Ever thought that she likes you amicably? She just has a lot of fun playing with you. I think she sees you as a good buddy. Don't interpret that much.


Unnecessary counter question and suggests Fortnite is a trash game… Just don't answer Thanks!


I used to play fortnite with buddies, too, but that was for fun because I had no other thoughts haha

Wait a bit, maybe something will come out, but don't expect anything to come out because the disappointment will be great

Does she like me or what? De Deadlinecelsius
Is that normal? - 1 Mo Motionless416
Broken contact? sy synonymousPigeon