Does she like me or what?


During the corona period I'm pretty bored. I played fortnite a bit. Then I saw that a girl from my class once played with a friend. He said she just downloaded it. Then I added them and we played a little bit. Not much. We then played more and more often. We laughed a lot, we got to know each other better.

(yes it sounds handicapped by fortnite blah but that's the way it is)

She also asked every day if I wanted to play fortnite with her. When I said no (because it was late) she kept asking because she wanted to play with me or something, I just don't know why she plays with me. We often win (34 in 10 days) but she says she doesn't care about her victories. So there has to be a reason that she plays with me of all people and not with others from the class, or do I imagine that?

sometimes we also played with your friends. But then it was completely different. Otherwise she was always nice and always laughed at all of my most witty jokes. But in front of her friends she only says "ahja" and no idea what that is.

We sometimes blaspheme about people from the class haha.

Sometimes we don't chat that often because we play fortnite all day and talk haha. I sometimes send her snaps but she hasn't opened my 4 snaps I sent in the morning. (But whatsapp opens it directly) Hmm. It is probably because she uses almost no snap. (I don't really either)

Do you know what's going on

Lg Robin

If you have any questions, feel free to write

Ps: But she also says she doesn't want a boyfriend. Then what does she want from me? I don't check anything anymore

Now she also said good night sleep and all that


Ask them for a meeting and get to know each other in real life


Maybe she likes you a little but she still needs some time

Good night


Well now is lockdown in our city again. Tönnies and such


70% she loves you 30% she plays with you out of boredom (maybe because you are good)


Ok but she always wants to play with me and when I ask her she comes on. I don't know, what would it do to her that I'm good or something?


Ask her if she likes you. Do not be ashamed


Ok but the thing is we have only been writing or playing for 2 weeks or so and we're both shy people 😅


Despite lockdown meetings, two people are allowed to meet


Encourage shame


You have nothing to lose either now or never


Besides, you don't ask her in real life who knows, you will never see her if she says no

Is that normal? - 1 Mo Motionless416
Broken contact? sy synonymousPigeon