Windows 10 PC reset due to low FPS?

- in Hardware

I have a relatively "good" PC:

1x GTX 1060

1x i5 7500

1x 8GB RAM

1x 512 GB SSD

Have 2 monitors. One 144 Hz, one 60 Hz.

Games like CSGO, Fortnite, Minecraft or Apex Legend run at less than 90 FPS on low graphics settings. Should I reset the PC? So completely reset?


No, because Windows is now so well programmed that your computer is almost no longer burdened by garbage. Better to run a cleaner over it to find unnecessary startup programs. (And some outdated drivers, old versions of software that still bumble in the deepest depths of your startup, …).


I'm not sure, but I suspect that the GTX 1060 (6GB) could be a bit overwhelmed with the simultaneous operation of these monitors or the high Hz numbers.

Maybe a stronger Graka (with 8GB) would be the better choice. Maybe a GTX 1070 / 1070ti, or AMD RX 580/590 / Vega 56 …

Or disable the second monitor and switch (if possible) to 120Hz, or even 60Hz back. And check the influence on the FPS in your games.

Is actually in the game, the V sync disabled?

My hardware is older and weaker. Therefore, I can't talk about it from my own experience. Apart from that, I do not play any of the games mentioned.


The beginning is silly. The VRAM has little to do with the amount of monitors irrelevant. Each graphics card supports 144hz provided that a correspondingly fast interface is appropriate. (is the case with the 1060 and much older cards). Of course, this does not mean that the card also creates 144fps or more in all games - but that also applies to all cards.

At CS: GO, Minecraft and co he should easily come to 144fps +. Partial white even further over 300fps.

The compatibility problem with the monitor is absolutely possible - staking the second monitor would be a simple test for that - that's right. Setting it down to 120 or 60hz is just one shot of the monitor and has the effect of COFFEE on the fps, while Vsync is enabled because in that case the performance of the map is virtually limited. But would mean at your tip that he had even less fps than already.

It is irrelevant if Vsync is activated - it gets around the 90frames. If Vsync were activated then the fps would be conspicuously lured to a certain value which corresponds to the refreshrate of the monitor. That means in his case, 60fps (if the monitor settings are set to default) or 144hz (if everything is set correctly and the right cables used) or just half refreshrate if the frames would drop below the threshold. None of that would be at 90fps.

Second question: if you can't have a say and know that, why are you still doing it? Quite serious.


That was a real bang, biscuit…

On the one hand, there's anything but perfect programmed because that's just not possible - and a new installation takes only a short time nowadays - a software problem to troubleshoot takes much longer than a complete reinstallation - if you save data effectively is 20 minutes for a new installation the problem solution par excellence.


If you can rule out a hardware failure, rebuilding is probably the easiest and fastest way to solve the problem if it's actually software based.

If it's.der hardware brings it of course nothing.

3 Simple things to start with to narrow down the problem:

Are your monitors connected with the correct cables, eg. On the 144hz monitor use an interface which also brings the appropriate performance. (eg Displayport)
Are the monitors configured correctly? (correct hz setting etc.)
Is the problem synonymous if only one monitor is connected?


CS Go 10 years old

minecraft on high settings very cpu and hungry

apex requires avx and setups with min. Ddr3 and good hardware

with apex you come with his setup and 60hz already at the fps borders.

a 580 is slower than the 1060 and a 590 barely faster.


Thanks for the help! A new graphics card is currently out of my budget out of the question!

I have already completed the second monitor and tried. Same result!

V sync is also not activated. Especially since most games like CSGO already run on very low graphics settings!

Greeting Jer1806


Thank you for the effort.

To your 3 points, I can say that I already tried everything, but nothing worked.

Whether I can rule out a hardware error? I do not know that!


So you would result that I should just put the computer back on? Especially since I claim no data backup, because I really do not need the data!


Reinstall in the case, only the most necessary installation and check if the problem persists - if so - ran to the hardware - if no - good!