Graphics card utilization at fortnite only 40%?

- in Hardware

I have an AMD ryzen 5 2600x and a gtx 1660 ti

I don't know why, but the processor runs at 40%,
the graphics card at best 50%. Is that a bottleneck?

If so, what can I do so that both components reach their maximum potential?

Would appreciate answers!


The configuration should not be a bottleneck, maybe the load is only displayed incorrectly.
Your tech team


This is due to Fortnite, there are many games that were so poorly propagated that it simply does not produce more performance.




You won't get your CPU usage very high in Fortnite, since this game can hardly benefit from more than 4 physical CPU cores.

The graphics card could still be burdened by higher quality settings in the display, but this is avoided in this game because of the better options for hiding opponents in dark corners and shadow areas. You could use "downsampling" for better textures and smoother edges. (internally faked higher resolution than your monitor can)

Fortnite is played competitively in favor of the highest possible FPS in a low level of detail. And then, in addition to the highest possible core clock, the CPU must also have the highest possible computing power per core & MHz.

Your Ryzen5 - 2600X should not necessarily be noticeably faster than a Core i7-4790K @ 4.0 Ghz in the game in this game, although your CPU will then still be apparently significantly less than the 4790K on average in this game.