Why is my GPU only loaded to 20-45% and my CPU to 40-70%?

- in Hardware

My graphics card is so 20 - 45% busy. My cpu so 40 - 70%? What should I do. I lack a lot of performance. So when I do a GPU stress test it is 90% full but not with Fortnite. At Fortnite I suddenly only have 100fps and the graphics card does not give me more power and is still only at a load of 20 - 45%. What should I do? My components are:

GeForce RTX 2070 KFA2

A, md Ryzen 5 2600 to 4.2 GHz

16GB Ram

MSI B450 gaming pro carbon.

The temperature is also ok.

How can I get my GPU to run at full power?


100FPS are initially more than sufficiently fluid. Have you capped Fortnite to 100FPS?

Do you have a screen that supports over 60Hz?


See if you have activated any power saving mode. The question is which monitor do you have? If you have 60 Hz, then you don't need more than 60 fps. There's also the possibility to set Fps numbers with the Grakad Utilities. Look there vll at Fortnite the maximum number of fps is set to 100 and not to unlimited.


The problem is due to the bad drivers of Nvidia that are not properly programmed. You are not the first person to notice!

You can only wait for help if you are waiting for new drivers. Most of the time these are so bad that problems arise elsewhere.

In the past, Nvidia has often shown that you have problems with drivers.

An example of many.


So it makes no sense to have a good GK if the drivers are rubbish. But some only learn it when it's too late, so I have no understanding for it.


So I have a 144hz monitor and if I suddenly have only 100fps the hald is stupid. I didn't limit it because I sometimes have 150 - 250.


Yes i have a 144hz monitor


Are these fps drops or a longer fps drop?


So let's say I have a lot less overall performance than normal


Is there nothing to do?


Then it may still be that the game is capped at 100FPS


But I often have more fps than 100, so I haven't capped anything…


Basically, it is strange if you have set the graphics card to max and then it brings 20% performance. I've never had a problem like this. However, I do not use Nvidia Grakas. I only use Amd


Programming your own drivers? Or wait until better ones are outside


Okey i have ka what to do… In a situation where i need a lot of power it doesn't work anymore. I don't think I have a bottleneck either


Does the card have Gddr 5 ram?


You're ridiculous… I mean AMD with the bad drivers


What about the 441.41 driver?


Where can I look it up?


I just checked… It even has gddr 6 ram. The gddr etc. Stands for a certain clock frequency. It determines how fast the graphics card runs. With Nvidia they are usually slower than with Amd. Amd has Hbm2, which is faster than Gddr 6


Okay thanks. Someone wrote to someone where he had the same problem that he uninstalled nvidia drivers and then ran 80% - 100% … Do you think it works?


Reinstalling drivers is never a mistake


Would it also be possible to completely uninstall my driver? That I can play with the normal graphics card driver?


If you uninstall the drivers and stop installing them, nothing will work.

With something like that you have to uninstall the drivers and then reinstall them.


Ok but someone wrote that


Then he wrote nonsense. Nothing works without a driver.

E.g. If there are generally no drivers, then the keyboard won't even work.

Drivers are there to communicate with the OS (operating system), if they do not exist then the operating system can't accept commands


Ah okey thank you. But would you have any idea what I could do to get more performance?


Download the graphics card utility from Nvidia vll you can set something there


Okey could you send me a link? For download



would have to go with that, but have little experience with Nvidia

But be careful with links from other people, you can find out your IP address and you can easily


OK thanks


Thanks for your help but i have no idea what to do. I have such a good graphics card etc.


Otherwise call the Nvidia support, I can't help you otherwise


Thank you very much.


Only half of it is correct. Most amd cards still use gddr6. Hbm2 is super fix in theory, but not really in practice.

The RAM of the graphics card does not determine how fast the card runs. It is as if you said in the PC that the RAM is responsible for the speed. I mean, the PC is only as fast as the slowest part, but the memory is fast enough. It is not a bottleneck and has absolutely nothing to do with it.

This is just as meaningless as many people still think today that the RAM size of a graphics card is equal to speed. Say more memory = more speed. What is nonsense.


You are welcome to ignore Silberfan's wrong answer, he apparently needs it.

In what resolution and with what graphics settings do you play Fortnite? That would be important information.


The test here on CB was done with maximum details:
Even there, the R5 2600 runs on average at 150FPS.

Did you configure the RAM correctly? Take a screenshot of CPU-Z and the TAB from RAM.


So with the lowest settings and a resolution of 1920 x 1080


And with which graphic was the test done?


