Less fps despite new graphics card?

- in Hardware

I had an RX 570 and had my 110 fps in Fortnite, now I have bought a new one, the RX 5700 Dual Core

And still have 110 fps

Drivers are already updated, I even reset the PC and reinstalled everything Game

Have in my PC:

Ryzen 5 1600


Power adapter?

RX 5700 dual core


This can't be at all, because after exchanging a component, the same number of FPS can never be achieved as before.

Sounds primarily like an FPS limiter. Check that out in the game and in the driver.

If that doesn't work, delete the Fortnite game profile in the driver.

Do you have a 120/144/165/240/260 Hz monitor at all that would be worth it at all? Or do you play with a 60/75/80 Hz monitor? Because then it would make no sense to boost the FPS.


Play 144 Hz monitor, and don't know how to remove the FPS limiter in the driver when it's there!


Switch off Radeon Chill, if on in the game profile.

Otherwise delete the profile.


Which profile?


In the driver, click on the Gaming tab at the top and then on the Games sub-tab. Then you should see Fortnite and right click and remove it.

If the gaming experience is better, you leave it out and if it stays worse or the same, you can set it up again and maybe put it on eSport.


Thank you, I'll do it later because I deleted Fortnite again and install it again. I'll get back to you later when I've done it!


Do you have an fps limit on?


I do not know


Unfortunately it didn't work