I can't take it anymore (and confident, crying, stress)?


People. I'm crying right now. I have no friends to talk to. Just you there. I'm thin, yes and I like it too. When someone calls me leek, I actually saw it as a compliment, but I'm beginning to notice that everyone hates me young. I was playing with 3 guys from my class fortnite. One of them is always against me. Where I said "let the opponents push", one said directly "yes there would be a lot to push with you". The other 2 laughed. Guys i can't anymore. I don't have any. I'm constantly being taken down, everyone hates me, I'm not self-conscious. Even my brother said today that I couldn't in my life. I've been feeling so sad lately. I just cry.


When someone calls me leek, I actually saw it as a compliment

Is not it. But better than fat

"yes with you there would be a lot to push"

Do you have a lot to push?

I notice that every young hates me


Even my brother said today that I couldn't in my life.

But he?


If you are happy with how you look, why do you care what others say? Just ignore such comments.

Certainly not every boy will hate you. You just shouldn't be friends with those who always leave comments like that, you will also find friends who will not do something like that. And who find you beautiful.

If you're sad eat some chocolate, watch a nice movie and stop playing Fortnite with these guys. And tomorrow you get up and tell yourself that you won't cry anymore Because you look good the way you are. Maybe you could work on your self-confidence and eventually manage to not be so shy and then counter well with such comments or just ignore them and deal with more important things.


And if you can't take being pissed off, talk to your parents about it. And your brother didn't mean it that way.


You can take it, you've been through a lot harder, giving up doesn't count, what if you just let all the feelings you have in you? If you want to cry, who forbids you? Who sees this

The truth is why you cry is that you don't find yourself in the thoughts of others. Stress is in your head, you are stressed: "What can I do, I have to look cool, what if you don't like me?" I think that puts you under pressure. Nobody can think about you. Because they don't know what you think and that does count?

They call you leek? You should like that, I don't believe you. You only do that in the hope that the others are nice to you if you just swallow, but in my eyes they are children. They can't handle such a confident person like you? They never learned. Confident people like you no longer exist today, check out the Fortnite buddies! Are you confident? Is that confident? Or are they just afraid of you? Yes they are afraid of you In truth you are so strong.

The leek is a compliment, you know that. But you should use it to praise yourself. Every boy doesn't hate you, you just hate yourself. Isn't that true? Don't you hate yourself that nobody likes you? Don't you hate yourself Aren't you blaming yourself for everything? Is not it enough? How much debt can you take on? It's been full for a long time. Is not it? I think you suffered exactly and blamed yourself enough.

You can't care what others say, you live your own life, you make your decisions and nobody can order what you have to do. Nobody. Yes, make them laugh, why did they laugh? About you, or about this unpleasant saying from the friend? About what?

Do you know who gets down the most? I know, I don't know you. Most of all, it's you who have to swallow. You want to be made down, you want to feel sorry for yourself. There's only one person who hates you, that's yourself, most of all you hate yourself for giving your all to please the others. Nobody hates you like you do. Why do you hate yourself? You did everything right? You're a great human being. You are confident enough, you let yourself go too much. Your brother? Oh, he's not nearly as good as you. You are the only person who expresses feelings like this, you are the only person who hates himself so much. Why?

If you are sad, then cry, if you laugh you don't ask everyone if you can laugh. Come up your head. Otherwise the crown will slide down…


Thank you! The news put a smile on my face and I will follow everything you say.

Stress with boy? bu businessTheresa
Fortnite Confident Consistent? Ga Gatlinnathalia
Are these real or fake friends? po pondPsychiatrist