Games were over ping?


I have the problem that games such as Fortnite or CS: GO leave my friend or my opponent. I have a ping of 300-350. On the Internet, I have read that you can restart the router. After I did that, my ping was around 500-550. And now I even lay. My router is the Speedport Smart 3 and he is just 1/4 year old and already the second. What can I do now? Have my PC connected to LAN and on other devices, it is no different.


Bad internet connection. Except a tariff change on VDSL (possibly glass) will not help much there.


Ever thought about how it goes on "after" the router with the Internet cable?

No? Then a short overview:

After the router to the next "gray distribution box" of the Telekom (keyword: last mile) lie in most areas still "copper cable". These have been in use for a very long time and are no longer suitable for today's purposes.

After the distributors, the fiber optic cable continues to the backbone (larger distributor), and this always continues like this.

The problem is the copper cables. They slow down your speed so much that the best wiring in the house would not do you any good.

So as qugart already said, you should inform yourself about completing a better internet contract.


Do a simple ping test by pinging a web page at the prompt. Simply enter "ping" or another website.

Alternatively times here the values measure.

Also test other devices in the network!