My little brother "accidentally" spent 160 euro on vbucks in fortnite. Of course we want to undo that now. He paid with a credit card. Can I cancel the purchase?
No, bought is bought. Now your little brother can buy beautiful skins.
I do not think just the support letter and try to clarify it.
Omg, I'm sorry, they are Foatneitkiddies '', but no, as far as I know, you can't reset that. )
No, not that I know of. How does he get the card?
My father got him something for 5 euro. Dad was a long time ago
But you can claim the money back. Your brother must be a minor and the credit card must belong to the parents. Then the parents can request a refund. Your underage brother is not fully yoke.
But it is reckless to delete the data behind from the history or Co.
@PascherPanda how?
The credit card owner must contact fortnite Support and report abuse of their credit card