Girlfriend gambles with your ex boyfriend Fortnite and tells me nothing about it?


My friend I have known for 3 years and have been together for 3 months, said yesterday what to do with your ex, well, it was just gambling, your statement was, "I wanted to take revenge on him. He's full of a son of a bit "

Since I'm a very sensitive person on the subject of trust and it is strange that you have to do that with the ex is the trust bit away and have mistrust whether there's now something going on with those who take the run or take it away from me.

What would you do? And what shall I do?

Can't write to her normally without thinking about it


Actually it is "nice" for the two that they understand each other again. I would definitely wait and see. If the contact gets stronger and more intense, I would just talk to your girlfriend if I were you.


If she really loves you you shouldn't worry, even if it's hard try to trust her. Distrust is not good for a relationship.


Gamble with ex = take revenge on him?

Somehow it doesn't work.

It depends, but also on how old you are.

If I were you, I would see if she spends a lot of time playing with him, I would talk to your friends about it.


My girlfriend used to play Fortnite with her ex.

I quickly became obsolete and after 3 weeks Fortnite with her ex left me. You had a wedding in Fortnite last month and I wasn't even invited.

It was such a bad time for me.

I would forbid your girlfriend the Internet!


Kissing honestly is one thing, but playing Fortnite together… Wouldn't work for me. I would recommend you to destroy your Playstation with a baseball bat. Furthermore, I would drive to her ex at a bad time (preferably in a Porsche Carrera) and ask him what the whole thing is about. You have to enforce your EGO! Do not put up with it.

but everyone is different. You have to decide for yourself whether this is ok for you.