I play Fifa and Fortnite every day, unfortunately I get pain every now and then. Is it the chair or what is the cause of this pain?


I play Fifa and Fortnite every day, unfortunately I get pain every now and then. Is it the chair or what is this pain?!


Vim just sitting around. Should move more often.


Well, you sit for a long time, you could do some back workouts to strengthen your back muscles and then it should get better. Also, make sure you get enough exercise.


In what way?!


What exercises, for example?!


Do a back workout without equipment at yt


Could be on the chair, yes.

Pay attention to this: are the armrests too high that you tense your shoulders slightly?
Is your lower back being supported at all?
Is the chair set a little too high that your feet don't touch the floor?
Is there a hand gap between the front end of the seat and the leg (opposite side of the knee)?

Or your posture

Do you tilt your head for too long / too often and stay like that?
Are you sinking in too much?

Otherwise, as already mentioned by others: exercise is always good for you.


Get up, take a walk, go to the toilet, get you something to drink, I often run around while eating (even if it sounds strange)


This all fits