She always wants Facetime with me? What to do?


She always wants to know where I'm and facetimen all the time

but I tell her again and again that I'm always on the road in late-night and have no time, and she still calls me constantly

And even if I play all night with my friends Fortnite or just hang in the couch and listen to music, also because she calls me the whole simply on the facetime

Why does she always want to join facetime, I do not want to appeal to her because I do not want to hurt her, what should I do?


In such things it is best to tell the person in the face that has the most and best effect and she will learn from it


Have you been in a relationship? If so, she probably does not trust you. Maybe you have to change somehow


Yes, but I do not do anything bad I like to chill with colleagues and play Fortnite


She has bad experiences or something… But maybe you try to give her the feeling that she does not have to worry.


Because she does not trust you she probably wants to call you all the time so she can be sure that you are not chilling with a girl outside or what I know but doing what you have told her.

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