New (better) CPU but worse performance as with the old one?

- in Hardware

Hello I've upgraded from an i3 2120 to an i5 2500 (without k).

Now I have z.b. Worse FPS in fortnite.

I'm desperate and do not remember what I can do!


Did you install the cooler correctly and also used a new thermal grease?


How much worse has the performance become? For Fortnite, the performance should at least not be much better, because the game uses the 4 cores of the i5 2500 anyway not and what concerns single core performance, the two CPUs are about the same.


So in idle, the Cpu is in the 34 range and new paste is on it


How high does the CPU clock under load?


Are just a bit more lag had become (smaller) and fps are so lower by 10




Desperately? Well, there are worse things there. )

It would be helpful to know which motherboard you are using. Possible solutions would be quick:

Reset the BIOS or check the settings. An update to the latest BIOS version can also help to eliminate potential compatibility issues. What I would check to that would be the correct fit of the radiator.

On the whole, however, the two processors do not take much care when looking at the data; Although the i5 has a significantly higher multi-core performance - with single-core performance (more important in games) haperts on both CPUs.


Windows ever reinstalled?

2.9 GHZ are even below the standard clock.


Yes, I unfortunately noticed with the 2.9 ghz and windows I have not reinstalled. I probably had. Still remove any software from it. Or is it because it has too little power. And I reinmontiert in a PC built by Acer


The i5 does not use much more power than the i3. You do not have to remove software