Did you ever want people you don't know personally
(E.g. Politicians or fortnite youtubers)
Insult, threaten, hit or worse?
And if so, which ones?
When I see people lying coldly or stealing from other people in social experiments.
A ring in the head would be appropriate
There are people on every platform who, through their expressions and their self-portrayal, trigger anger and the willingness, if they were physically tangible at that moment, to completely forget themselves!
I wanted to ask a politician how she can reconcile her own massive overweight with the propagation of a modest lifestyle with more exercise and a healthier diet and no meat consumption. I didn't do that because the question was an insult.
That wouldn't be an insult, on the contrary, maybe something like that would be food for thought to think about your own behavior. So on the principle of preaching water and drinking wine "!
I think your question would be an absolutely legitimate question! And if she felt offended, it would even be a revelation that you are even more right!
Out of the affect, of course, but then the brain starts up again very quickly and drives me down. Why not? Because it doesn't lead to anything.
It depends on what character you people have. Not with violence, of course, but with anger when things go too far