Sometimes I want to switch off and play my games, but if I get up early I can see her sitting there and it upsets me that she's only playing fortnite! She doesn't listen to me, she cheers up and she doesn't care if I want to play… I've already told my parents, but she ALWAYS playing! How can I stop them or do you know some good "hacks" that I can use or switch off Fortnite on PlayStation4 ahead of time or something?
Maybe there's something like a Parental Control app
And what is that?
Ah yes, I know about the parents thanks
If you wish to have your own PC, you may not care what she does on the other.
Don't get one. Should have to wait until the age of 18.
Get your own console or even better: your own PC
What's so bad about fortnite
What is its name on Fortnite?